Product 24 - Peace Weavers book - WSU Press
Product 24 - Peace Weavers book - WSU Press
“Peace Weavers: United the Salish Coast Through Cross-Cultural Marriages” by Candace Huffman Wellman. Throughout the mid-1800s, Coast and Interior Salish families arranged strategic cross-cultural marriages, and these alliances played a crucial role in regional settlement and spared Puget Sound's upper corner from the tragic conflicts other regions experienced. Although accounts of the men exist in a variety of records, the contributions of their native wives remain unacknowledged. Author Candace Wellman hopes to shatter stereotypes surrounding these relationships. The four women profiled--Caroline Davis Kavanaugh (Samish-Swinomish), Mary Fitzhugh Lear Phillips (S'Klallam), Clara Tennant Selhameten (Lummi-Duwamish), and Nellie Carr Lane (Sto:lo)--exhibited exceptional endurance,